Bomb Threat Response Policy Review

Training Safety

Bomb threats and suspicious packages are common enough that they’re on the safety radar of every organization, but uncommon enough that most don’t devote the appropriate training resources to prepare for them. As a result, a typical response is normally to call the police, evacuate the premises, and wait for direction. But that is hardly ever the safest or most effective and reasonable approach.

Threat Bomb About to Explode Word 3d Illustration
A relevant and current bomb threat response plan makes good safety and fiscal sense
Business Continuity Diagram
Continuity planning and evaluation are a continuous process.

A better model is to take ownership of the situation, assess the threat, and quickly develop and implement your plan to respond to it. This plan will include the assistance of first responders, but will uniquely fit your structure and needs because you know your organization best and you will create the response plan.

You can begin to ensure that your organization is making progress towards higher levels of preparedness by asking a seasoned professional to review your bomb threat/suspicious package response policy. Simply fill out and submit the form below and wait for Bill or Dave to get back to you. This service is confidential and we will destroy all copies of your policy after sending you our limited review. Our review will include general impressions, areas of perceived strength or weakness, and recommended training resources. A higher level of readiness is always within reach, and this is an easy first step!

An Improvised Explosive Device

Bomb Threat Policy Review Policy Review and resulting recommendations are limited in scope and detail as determined on a case by case basis by (Houghtons, Inc.). Our policy reviewer is a retired former member of the Michigan State Police Bomb Squad with nearly two decades of training and experience supporting federal, state, and local entities.

Suspicious Bag Left by the Red Hooded Man
Accidental or intentional?

In addition to the limited Bomb Threat Response Policy Review, also offers a Bomb Threat Preparedness and Response Training. This two-hour workshop provides facility administrators, advisors, and security leaders the knowledge, perspective, and skills necessary to plan for, evaluate and respond to any bomb threat at the facility while successfully engaging employees in the response and minimizing facility disruption. For more information click here:

Our Bomb Threat Preparedness and Response Training covers the the following topics in a half-day session:

  • Explains the four possible components of an IED
  • Describes the three types of bomb effects
  • Compares those who threaten to bomb with those who actually bomb and explain why the distinction matters
  • Describes the two basic types of bomb threats
  • States the level of crime that a bomb threat can be when it’s made
  • Describes motivations for those who make bomb threats
  • Defines the four processes of an effective bomb threat response
  • Describes who must and who may be notified in the event of a bomb threat
  • Describes how to conduct a threat assessment and why it should be done
  • Explains three principles for those who receive a threat
  • Describes the two main goals of an effective bomb threat response action plan
  • Describes law enforcement resources available to assist with a bomb threat response
  • Explains the types of possible evacuations and the associated benefits and
  • risks of each
  • Explains the benefits and risks of sheltering in place
  • Describes what must be done if any type of evacuation is ordered
  • Explains what must be done if a questionable item is found during the search
  • Describes five types of characteristics of a suspicious item
  • Identifies resources for further training or study
Suspicious Black Bag With a Red Handle
Suspicious? Plan and prepare now for the unexpected.